Records starting with C
- A: A to Z of records
- B: A to Z of records
- C: A to Z of records
- D: A to Z of records
- E: A to Z of records
- F: A to Z of records
- G: A to Z of records
- H: A to Z of records
- I: A to Z of records
- J: A to Z of records
- K: A to Z of records
- L: A to Z of records
- M: A to Z of records
- N: A to Z of records
- O: A to Z of records
- P: A to Z of records
- R: A to Z of records
- S: A to Z of records
- T: A to Z of records
- V: A to Z of records
- W: A to Z of records
- Y: A to Z of records
- Cameron McCallister
- Carlton Milenkovic
- Caroline Parchment
- Catherine Jones
- Catherine Shepherd
- Cecilia Gamble
- Charles Hallows
- Charles Howarth
- Charlie Willcock
- Charlotte Bradburn
- Charlotte Inman
- Chloe Walker
- Chloe Williams
- Chris Allon
- Chris Fletcher
- Chris Goudge
- Chris Gregory
- Chris Jones
- Christie Gregory
- Christine Crumblehulme
- Christine Parker
- Christine Waldram
- Christopher Chiege
- Christopher Dean
- Christopher Holmes
- Christopher Leigh
- Christopher Openshaw
- Cindy Barnes
- Claire Fothergill
- Claire Stott
- Clive Nightingale
- Colette Harkin
- Colin Mosley
- Colin Pendelbury
- Connor Stuchbury
- Coral Cameron
- Craig Battersby
- Craig Fitzimmons
- Craig McMorrow
- Craig Steadman
- Curtis Waugh
- Cynthia Nuttall
- Cyril B Holmes
- Cyril Tickle